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EmbracingChange 4

Purification is about tending to my world. [정화는, 내 세상을 돌보는 일입니다.]

Purification is about tending to my world. No longer neglecting it, I roll up my sleeves, seek and clear away the rough stones in my subconscious, and weed out the unwanted Purification is one way of loving my own world. When the field is well-tended, good seeds easily take root, and grow strong. There are various tools for purification. I choose my own tools. Whether it's a sickle or a hoe, wha..

When we find someone we love, [사랑하는 사람이 생기면]

When we find someone we love, most everyday stresses disappear. Even if someone steps on our foot as they pass by, or someone accidentally bumps into us, we gain the flexibility to let it go. We develop a sense of consideration that momentarily holds the elevator doors for someone rushing to catch it. In the journey of self-improvement and spiritual evolution, it's not a difficult concept to und..

"When you wake up, Don't go back to sleep." [잠에서 깨거든 다시 잠들려 마라.]

"When you wake up, Don't go back to sleep." Bub-jeong_ Korean Monk In the midst of a busy life, there are rare moments when we experience the clarity of the present moment. Though these moments may be brief, they are undeniable. There is a need to be cautious of slipping back into sleep, which means entering familiar thoughts and emotions. Thoughts and emotions can become habitual and addictive,..